G. K. Chesterton's celebrity priest-detective returns in The Incredulity of Father Brown (1926), the third of five collections of short stories featuring Father Brown. The book begins with reports of Father Brown's death in "The Resurrection of Father Brown" and includes the...
The Incredulity of Father Brown is a collection of eight stories by G. K. Chesterton, the third-published collection featuring the fictional detective Father Brown. It was first published as a book in 1926 by Cassell of London, whose monthly Cassell's Magazine featured the...
The Incredulity of Father Brown is a 1926 collection of mystery short stories by English writer G. K. Chesterton. Set in the early twentieth century, each of the stories centers around the cunning investigations of Father Brown, an amateur detective who...
The Incredulity of Father Brown is a collection of eight stories by G. K. Chesterton, the third-published collection featuring the fictional detective Father Brown. It was first published as a book in 1926 by Cassell of London, whose monthly Cassell's Magazine featured the...
Chesterton admiraba a Conan Doyle y por supuesto a las historias de Sherlock Holmes. Sin embargo, con el padre Brown logr un personaje que se aleja y muchas veces se opone a las caracter sticas de Holmes. Ya hemos esbozado el aspecto del personaje central: sacerdote cat lico,...
John Adams Race knows what he saw. Looking out of his window one night he sees two suspicious men following Father Brown to a bridge. There are sounds of a fight, the two men disappear-leaving only the body of the priest behind. Or, is there more to the mystery of Father Brown's...
Father Brown, full-time Catholic priest and part-time amateur detective, returns in this third collection of short stories by G. K. Chesterton. Unlike the first two collections, this time Father Brown is investigating alone; his sidekick, the former criminal Flambeau, is nowhere...
Father Brown, a full-time Catholic priest, and part-time amateur detective returns in this third collection of short stories by G. K. Chesterton. This time Father Brown is investigating alone; his sidekick, the former criminal Flambeau, is nowhere to be seen. Father Brown has...
Father Brown, full-time Catholic priest and part-time amateur detective, returns in this third collection of short stories. Unlike the first two collections, this time Father Brown is investigating alone; his sidekick, the former criminal Flambeau, is nowhere to be seen. Father...
Continuano con questa terza serie le avventure filosofico-poliziesco del piccolo prete cattolico, alle prese con tutto ci che si dice "soprannaturale". Come dice pi volte Padre Brown nel corso delle sue avventure, "un conto essere credenti, un conto essere creduloni", per...
"Those who are quick in talking are not always quick in listening." -G. K. Chesterton, "The Oracle of the Dog" The Incredulity of Father Brown by G. K. Chesterton (1926) is the third in a collection of eight mysteries featuring Father Brown, a detective the author created to...
Father Brown is not an ordinary detective. Father Brown is an ordinary parish priest with extra-ordinary common sense. He never goes looking for mysteries but mysteries always find him. Knowing the very heart of man, with all its weaknesses and wiles, he sees the truth where...
John Adams Race knows what he saw. Looking out of his window one night he sees two suspicious men following Father Brown to a bridge. There are sounds of a fight, the two men disappear-leaving only the body of the priest behind. Or, is there more to the mystery of Father...
In The Incredulity of Father Brown, G.K. Chesterton treats us to another set of bizarre crimes that only his 'stumpy' Roman Catholic prelate has the wisdom and mindset to solve. As usual, Chesterton loves playing with early twentieth-century class distinctions, 'common-sense'...
Sensation followed the sudden death of G.K. Chesterton's eccentric sleuth; as well it might, when he sat up in his coffin and applied a little quiet detachment to the incident. But then sensation was implicit in all the cases Father Brown so modestly handled. These stories have...