Fyodor Dostoevsky's classic tale of one man's pure innocence in the face of a society obsessed with power, money, and manipulation The twenty-six-year-old Prince Myshkin, following a stay of several years in a Swiss sanatorium, returns to Russia to collect an inheritance...
The most autobiographical novel by the author of Crime and Punishment and The Brothers Karamazov--and the namesake of Elif Batuman's debut novel, The Idiot Returning to St Petersburg from a Swiss sanatorium, the gentle and na ve epileptic Prince...
The Idiot is a thought-provoking and psychologically intense novel that delves into the complexities of human nature and societal norms. The story revolves around Prince Myshkin, a compassionate and innocent man who is deemed an "idiot" due to his naivety and unconventional...
The Idiot (1868), written under the appalling personal circumstances Dostoevsky endured while travelling in Europe, not only reveals the author's acute artistic sense and penetrating psychological insight, but also affords his most powerful indictment of a Russia struggling to...
Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky's masterful translation of The Idiot is destined to stand with their versions of Crime and Punishment, The Brothers Karamazov, and Demons as the definitive Dostoevsky in English.
After his great...
Translated by Constance Garnett, with an Introduction and Notes by Agnes Cardinal, Honorary Senior Lecturer in Comparative Literature at the University of Kent. Prince Myshkin returns to Russia from an asylum in Switzerland. As he becomes embroiled in the frantic amatory and...
"My intention is to portray a truly beautiful soul." --Dostoevsky Despite the harsh circumstances besetting his own life--abject poverty, incessant gambling, the death of his youngest child--Dostoevsky produced a second masterpiece, The Idiot, after completing Crime and Punishment...
"The Idiot" is a novel by the 19th-century Russian author Fyodor Dostoyevsky. It was first published serially in the journal The Russian Messenger in 1868-9.The title is an ironic reference to the central character of the novel, Prince (Knyaz) Lev Nikolaevich Myshkin, a young...
The Idiot , by Fyodor Dostoevsky , is part of the Barnes & Noble Classics ? series, which offers quality editions at affordable prices to the student and the general reader, including new scholarship, thoughtful design, and pages of carefully crafted extras. Here are some of...
After spending several years in a sanatorium recovering from an illness that caused him to lose his memory and ability to reason, Prince Myshkin arrives in St Petersburg and is at once confronted with the stark realities of life in the Russian capital - from greed, murder...
Este libro trata de un joven pr ncipe llamado Mischkin. Es pobre y es ayudado a sobrevivir por un m dico el cual siente l stima por l. Y este es el tema de este libro, la compasi n insaciable usando terminos de Dostoyevski. Una compasi n y una total ausencia de maldad en este...