Teenager Grace wakes up to a light snowfall and she and her friend Judith decide to go riding, so they saddle their horses and start out on what they expect to be a fun filled morning. However they are struck by a truck. Judith dies and Grace loses a leg as a result of the accident. Pilgram, Grace's horese, is in horrible shape, but Grace's workaholic mother, Annie, refuses to have the horse, who seems to be crazed, destroyed...
I first read this book when I was 15, but it's only now after reading it again a year later that I see the obvious talent in Evan's writing... The Horse Whisperer is simply amazing. I am a keen rider, but I did not enjoy this book because it was based around horses and to be honest, I'd have enjoyed it just as much if it was based around almost anything [*Don't get me wrong, the book was packed full of equine action which...
The kind of story all first time novelists hope to achieve. Pilgrim thinks he failed Grace. Grace thinks she failed Pilgrim. Grace's stubborn mother refuses to give up and seeks a reluctant Whisperer to get the two back together, then comes face to face with her own crisis in the relationship with her husband. A very well written novel and a great story.
A powerful and wonderfully written book, "The Horse Whisperer" tells the tragic story of a girl who has been physically and emotionally wounded during a violent horseback riding accident. In addition, her horse, Pilgrim, is also hurt very badly. Annie Maclean, the girl's desperate mother, contacts Tom Booker, a horseman who is able to communicate with the animals that he works with. Soon after, Annie and her daughter Grace...
It's a peaceful, snow-covered morning. Grace and her horse Pilgrim, set off with Judith and her horse Gully, on what was supposed to be a relaxing ride. While going up an a hill, Gully slips on ice and while violently sliding down, knocks Pilgrim. As they fall, Judith is thrown out of the saddle, but her foot gets caught in the stirrup and she gets dragged. At the bottom of the hill, a large truck is coming past. Grace trys...