This collection of late essays is essential for any student of Bakhtin in order to achieve a fuller understanding of the totality of his work. While the essays are varied, ranging from a discussion of the Bildungsroman & Goethe's sense of time to questions of approaching text from a foundation of cultural dialog, perhaps the most important essay here is the one lending its name to the title. Describing as never before Bakhtin's...
This Book, like almost everything Bakhtin wrote is profound and food for thought. Unfortunately, and this is the drawback with some of the English Language translations and compilations, it is also quite uneven, both in subject matter and content. The Reader should not be deterred. It is worth reading, because there are some fine insights buried in this book. --- I will only write about the so called Bildungroman Fragment...
The best introduction to Bakhtin as he is at his mostprovocative and lucid form. The next book to read for those interestedin the man would be the Rabelais and the Dostoevsky book.