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Faith Goal Setting Hope Mindset Motivation Resilience Self-Improvement Positive Mindset Personal Growth ReligionI was introduced to this book several years ago and it is a volume I turn to over and over. As the subtitle suggests, it offers a new way to help the reader look at his/her relationships and offers an innovative approach for reducing the quagmires we seem to keep getting into in them. If you are serious about improving your life and the quality of your relationships and want to invest some time and effort in yourself, you...
A seasoned psychiatrist, Dr. Gilbert has clear answers to many basic questions parents ask. A few parents may not care that Bowen theory may some day revolutionize psychiatry, Dr. Gilbert does. She makes the case for a move to a new paradigm as a necessity to aid families in today's fast changing world. Dr. Gilbert's stories about people carry us into their lives and we can momentarily become them. When they are us and we...
Whenever I'm asked to recommend a book on systems theory, I suggest Gilbert's book. She does an excellent job of accurately covering the theory, but an added bonus is her clear writing style, which makes often difficult concepts easier to digest. The book enjoys good organization. A good first choice for anyone needing an introduction to Bowen Family Systems Theory that focuses on relationships.
This book was a revelation. Finally an approach which doesn't place blame and encourages individuals to take responsibility for themselves without blaming others. Relationships can only get better if you become your own, whole person first. This theory applies not only to the relationships in ones own family but for all interpersonal relationships. This theory is obviously not well accepted within the psychology/psychiatry...
This book presents in easily understandable form the Bowen family system theory approach to human interaction. This is a "systems" approach to better relationships in which eight carefully researched principles show how groups of individuals, such as a nuclear family, interact and what governs those interactions. Rather than present a few "how to" examples, the author presents the theory and uses examples in the process...