I should have kept my eyes for the many brilliant and interesting sights constantly offered me. Another girl would have done so. I myself might have done so, had I been over eighteen, or, had I not come from the country, where my natural love of romance had been fostered by uncongenial...
The Hermit of Nth Street By Anna Katharine Green Narrated by Bonnie Trost This novella comes from A Difficult Problem, a collection of six mystery stories by pioneer crime novelist, Anna Katharine Green. The plot is a curious reworking of the Bluebeard legend - a naive young...
"The Hermit of Street" from Anna Katharine Green. American poet and novelist (1846-1935).
The Hermit of Street
A young woman named Delight Hunter is visiting some friends in the city when she happens to save a neighbor from a fire. Despite the unusual circumstances under which they met, the pair fall in love and marry. But the honeymoon takes a strange turn when Delight begins to notice...