Through long, cold winters, anglers dream of fishing season and mark their calendars to plan their fishing trips come spring. They speak in hushed voices around the fireplace or over a pint at the local pub of the Skwala Stone in April, the Green Drake and Salmonfly in June, the blanket Caddis and Hexagenia in July and other epic hatches -- moments when the fishing can be so good it can create memories of a lifetime.
The Hatch is On will be a celebration, in both words and pictures, of fly fishing's most treasured insect emergences and the incredible angling experiences these hatches create. Every experienced fly-fisherman treasures the beautiful afternoons when he can take advantage of a big insect hatch. When all the stars align and the fish start feeding, it's like running an interception back for a touchdown, it's like sinking a three pointer at the buzzer. It's the very reason why you're a fly-fisherman in the first place. The Hatch is On will speak specifically to the sentimentalist in all of us.