Ann Louis Gittleman's new book, 'Gut Flush Plan', is just what I needed to boost my health the next step. After almost 25 years with a chronic illness, a friend recommended her 'Fat Flush Plan' when I was unable to lose weight. That was over 3 years ago; I lost 70 pounds and have kept it off for 2 years. The Gut Flush Plan takes metabolic fitness to the next level for me, concentrating on the yeast connection and colon...
I have been following the Fat Flush Plan for the last 4 years, it has changed my life! I am almost 60 years old now and feel better than I did in my 40's!!! I lost an incredible 55 lbs. in the first few months and have been able to keep it off! Thank you Ann Louise! Now, the Gut Flush Plan is here. I am so excited! I have been following some of the Gut Flush protocols and have been enjoying a new found burst of energy! I...
This book has made a BIG difference in my life! I have had allergy issues for many years that just progressively got worse! After discovering the foods that I am sensitive to and adjusting my eating I am totally off my allergy meds and thriving! But it's not just about leaving things OUT of my diet - it's about discovering other foods that I love and finding a whole new energy level! Who knew that I would find foods that...
As a long time "Fat Flusher" I always look forward to to Ann Louise Gittleman's new books. And Gut Flush is a winner! I really like the healthy, nutritious food in this plan. The recipes are easy and delicious! I have not missed NOT having foods with gluten as there are many OTHER delicious non gluten grains I can eat like quinoa, rice, millet and buckwheat. In fact by eliminating gluten and dairy my constant sinus congestion...
I am more hopeful than ever for my long-term health after doing the Gut Flush program. I was very blessed to be a part of a focus group for this book, and I learned so much. For various medical reasons, I have been on many, many rounds of antibiotics for the majority of my life. I had no idea that this had wreaked such havoc with my digestion as it has. I also never knew how deficient I was in HLC (stomach acid) and also...