While I love all things Og Mandino, this one isn't the top of the list. That goes to Greatest Miracle in the World. That said, it's still a great book.
A magnificent fictional story about Zacchaeus from the Bible and how he became successful using what is called in the book as "The Commandments of Success." The commandments are the guiding principles which led Zacchaeus to financial and spiritual prosperity, in which he reveals to the masses upon being begged to do so. They are simple yet effective principles that can help lead anyone to achieve their goals, whatever they...
I have read everyone of Og Mandinos Books and all I can say is that he writes with brilliance, clarity, enthusiasm, and spirit. You can never go wrong with any of his books. He points out the path to success and motivates the spirit within to achieve all that we as human beings are capable. He helped me to tap into my innate genuis and create a life of prosperity and creativity. If you havent raed his books, start now and...
Even though this book is great by anyone's standards, it is not Og Mandino's best. It is very similar to "The Greatest Salesman in the World" (also by Mandino) but it somehow does not live up to the eternal masterpiece. The story itself is as striking as "Salesman" but the 10 principles are rather lethargically added to the end and do not carry the power of the ones in "Salesman". If you already own "Salesman" this is a worthwhile...