I'm collecting all the 'Dear America' books & obviously I got this book to add to my collection! ;) It was really good & quite informative. I enjoyed this book & will recommend it!
Haven't read this yet but it sounds like it will be great...all the Dear Americas are!
Kat Bowen is living in Washington D.C. during the woman's fight for the vote. Her own mother is among the woman picketing outside the White House Kat writes down her own views and opinions during this time. She supports her mother but at the same time worries about her mother. Especially after Kat sees how women picketing are being treated. She also witnesses trouble in her family when her uncle is so against the picketing...
This book was very high on my list of Dear America books. It is about Womens right to vote and all the hardships they went through. If you are agirl and like knowing how you got alot of freedoms and rights. You can also see who got those freedoms and what they went through to get them. Some even risked their lives. This is a very good read.
It's 1917 in Washington, D.C, and as the Great War rages in Europe, thirteen-year-old Kathleen Bowen is caught up in a fight closer to home. Her mother, sister Nell, and Auntie Claire are suffragists, fighting for voting rights for women, to the disapproval of her Uncle Bayard and the worry of her father. Kat and her cousin Alma, who are the exact same age, want to help, but they are too young to join the picket line. As it...
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There's a lot of uncertainty in our world right now and it leaves many of us feeling anxious and unsettled. Of course, books can help! Reading is a tried and true source of solace in times of trouble. Here, ten contemporary authors share the books that bring them comfort.