It is hard to believe as we sit here in the 21st century, but there was a point in time when Lawrence Block was not a household name. It is just as difficult, in some ways, to comprehend that Block is well into his fifth decade of writing classic crime fiction. Exhibit A is THE GIRL WITH THE LONG GREEN HEART. First published in 1965 as a paperback original, it has been reissued here under the Hard Case Crime imprint. Hard...
Long before Lawrence Block was hammering out his raw, gritty, and long running series of hard-boiled PI Matt Scudder mysteries, he was writing classic pulp fiction crime in a class with and the style of Jim Thompson, Dashiell Hammett, and Don Westlake. Written in 1965, "The Girl with the Long Green Heart" is a prime example of the top of that period's genre, a hidden gem of a novel as alluring and provocative as the Robert...
Buy this book and read the hell out of it. The cover's swell (Hard Case Crime always does a bang-up job) and it's got one of the best titles I've ever heard of, but the reason to stay is Block's tight, sharp prose. He tells a clean story with all the fat burned off. Everything Hard Case Crime has put out has been top shelf---But this may be the best yet.
It was a crime novel from Lawrence Block that initiated the Hard Case Crime line (a new imprint from Dorchester Publications and Winterfall LLC that focuses on books written in the style of the old pulp crime novels) in 2004, and Grifter's Game was a nearly perfect choice. It set the tone for works to come while making a terrific impression on its own terms. Now Ardai and company have returned with another fantastic Block...
Hard Case Crime continues their tradition of excellence with their latest re-release of a classic noir novel, this time a con man's gem from one of the masters of the medium. Block knows the territory as well as anyone in the genre ever has, and even this early novel (originally published in 1965) demonstrates his already considerable chops. A pair of grifters set up a long con to fleece a New York businessman with a Canadian...