In the eighteenth century Asia, nestled in eastern Korea, there was a peaceful and captivating kingdom called Noam, but even Confucius had his misfortunes. Soon came the time when the royal family of Noam experienced a tragic incident.
Queen Iseul, the beautiful fair royal consort of Noam did something unthinkable to a poor girl with the help of a Shaman. The dying girl, with no other alternative, viciously cursed the Queen's unborn twins leaving behind a scar in the lives of the royal family. From there, the foundation of an unfortunate event started to set its roots. The heart wrenching saga of misfortune inaugurated.
The Devil's Bible was the last resort to lift the curse, but unfortunately the only solution leads to a bloody path.
A major part of the story revolves around Si-ri, the cursed child and her journey to freedom. A girl who had been imprisoned in an old mansion by her father to ensure her safety.