My 12 year old granddaughter has really taken an interest in reading during the last few months and I was looking for a fanciful and fun series after she had read all the Limney Snickets books she could get her hands on. This fills the bill and today we just ordered 2 more for collection.
Jessie is back in Fairy Realm #2: The Flower Fairies! In this wonderful book,Jessie faces griffins,huge,powerful,and deadly creautures who guard the queen's important items.She also has to deal with flower fairies,who love to dance and play.Read this book to find out more!
This book is the 2nd in the "Fairy Realm" series (the first being 'The Charm Bracelet'). I read this to my girls who are 5 and 7 and they both loved it! It's easy to follow, but has elements that really challenge kids' imaginations. Even my five-year-old spent time contemplating the goings-on in this book inbetween chapters. In the first book, the heroine, "Jesse" must save the realm from a bad person. But in this book...
Young Jessie is now known as a hero in the Fairy Realm, thanks to her wonderful plan which saved the beautiful Realm from destruction by evil. In fact, she's so loved, and such a hero in Fairy Realm, that the young Flower Fairies want to dance with her. But Jessie can't dance, and that fact is beginning to worry her, as she's supposed to dance in her school play, in front of everyone. However, right now that's the least of...