""The First Part of Sir John Oldcastle: A Historical Drama"" is a play co-authored by Michael Drayton, Anthony Munday, Richard Hathway, and Robert Wilson. The play is set in 15th century England and follows the life of Sir John Oldcastle, a prominent figure in English history...
The book titled ""The First Part of Sir John Oldcastle: A Historical Drama by Michael Drayton, Anthony Munday, Richard Hathway and Robert Wilson"" is a literary work that presents a historical drama based on the life of Sir John Oldcastle, a prominent figure in English history...
The First Part of Sir John Oldcastle: A Historical Drama is a play written by a group of four playwrights: Michael Drayton, Anthony Munday, Richard Hathway, and Robert Wilson. The play is a historical drama that tells the story of Sir John Oldcastle, a prominent figure in English...