Finances are tight for theHitchcock family this year, which means no summervacation But siblings Maddy andBenji are secretly delighted to escapethe annual torturous ritual of familybonding. Then Dad announces bignews: a cost-effective weeklong houseswap in Paris, trading places with aFrench family named the Vadims.
But instead of a relaxing Europeanvacation, it quickly becomes clearthat something is very off about thishouse swap. The facts about theVadims don't quite add up. Thenthreatening characters start showingup, demanding a mysterious object.Soon the Hitchcocks are caught ina whirl of intrigue and running fortheir lives through the streets andover the rooftops of Paris, withouteven knowing why.
Mark Levin and Jennifer Flackett, a Hollywood writer-director-producerteam, make their children's bookdebut with this hilarious, actionpackedcaper.