The minstrel Gastel Etzwane lives in Shant -- a country of cantons, each independently dictating its own law and customs. The enforcement of law is simple, quick, and inevitable: death by decapitation, from an explosive torc clamped around each citizen's neck by authority...
De afgelegen planeet Durdane is lang geleden gekoloniseerd door een allegaartje van Aardse minderheden die besloten hun heil tussen de sterren te zoeken. De afstammelingen daarvan bevolken nu de twee nzestig kantons van het subcontinent Shant. In Shant dwingt de gevreesde...
The Anome (Book 1 of 3 in Durdane series, Russian translation) The land of Shant on the planet Durdane is ruled by a purposely anonymous dictator called the Anome or Faceless Man. He maintains control by virtue of the torc, a ring of explosive placed around the...