Five intergalactic criminal masterminds raid the tranquil world of Mount Pleasant, leaving behind only ruin and slaughter - and the orphaned child Kirth Gersen, who comes to manhood swearing to take bloody revenge. Now Gersen roams the galaxy, bringing vengeance to the Demon...
The Face (Book 4 of 5 in Demon Princes series, Russian translation) Kirth Gersen tracks Lens Larque across several worlds, most notably Aloysius, the desert world Dar Sai and the more temperate Methel. He eventually learns that Larque is a rachepol Darsh, born...
Op de ruimtehaven van Rath Eileann op Aloysius wordt het vrachtschip Ettilia Gargantyr verwacht. Kirth Gersen weet dat de eigenaar van het schip niemand minder is dan de Duivelsprins Lens Larque, en bedenkt een list om de Gargantyr aan de ketting te laten leggen teneinde Lens...