In this exhilarating series debut, police detective William Monk must solve the mystery of his own past. His name, they tell him, is William Monk, and he is a London police detective. But the accident that felled him has left him with only half a life; his memory and his entire...
William Monk has awakened in the hospital with no memory--and Police Inspector Runcorn insists he is a detective. While suffering from amnesia, Monk is asigned to investigate the brutal murder of a gentleman, leading him into the underworld of British society and one step closer...
"Richly textured with the sights and sounds of London and its countryside...Solidly absorbing and Perry's best to date." THE KIRKUS REVIEWS His name, they tell him, is William Monk, and he is a London police detecive. But the accident that felled him has left him with only half...
"Richly textured with the sights and sounds of London and its countryside...Solidly absorbing and Perry's best to date." THE KIRKUS REVIEWS His name, they tell him, is William Monk, and he is a London police detecive. But the accident that felled him has left him with only half...