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Classics Contemporary Fiction Genre Fiction Historical Literary Literature & Fiction Oscar NominatedI'm one of the people who was completely taken with THE ENGLISH PATIENT when I saw it in theatres, but was also amused when Elaine Benis on "Seinfeld" goofed on it later. Or, should I say, goofed on everyone who loved it. The non-linear story structure, the superb acting, the gorgeous photography, the unfolding mystery of what happened to the doomed couple--all of it hit me just right. While other people complained at the...
Set at the end of World War II in an Italian villa, The English Patient brings together four unlikely characters: Hana, an emotionally-wounded army nurse who refuses to leave her last patient even when ordered to evacuate; Caravaggio, a friend of Hana's father, thief and spy, a man who is drawn to Hana in ways he cannot articulate; Kip, an Indian sapper loyal to the British military who disarms bombs by day, loves Hana by...
I'm not really sure why this movie's being panned as severely as it is. Maybe the dense plot put off those looking for an action epic. Maybe the passionate but ultimately destructive relationship put off those looking for a formulaic happy-ending fluff romance. Maybe these people just don't like thinking during movies, because this movie doesn't lay everything out for you and you have to work to figure out character motivations,...
"The English Patient" is, without a doubt, one of my very favorite books. It is lush, beautiful and gorgeous. And the glory of it is that it got that way with fine, first-rate writing. You won't find any gimmicks or ... tricks here.Unlike the movie, the book begins in war-torn Italy (1944) where we encounter Hana, a Canadian nurse and a horribly burned man known only as, "the English patient." Alone in an isolated, abandoned...
Si vio la pelicula El Paciente Ingles encontrara que el libro es diferente a su adaptacion cinematografica. Poetico y sensual, el libro profundiza mas sobre los personajes de Hana y Kip, definitivamente mas interesantes que la relacion de Katharine y Lazlo Almasy que explota la pelicula. Los personajes se conectan a travez de sus tristezas y pasiones, las historias no contadas, los secretos que los unen.
Are you excited for the Oscars next month? If so, you might want to catch up on the literature that served as inspiration for some of the nominated movies. Plus, check out a few of our favorite book-to-screen best picture winners from the last quarter century.
Watching the Oscars this weekend? If so, you’ll want to catch up on the literature that served as inspiration for some of the nominated movies. Plus, we share some of our favorite book-to-screen best picture winners from the last quarter century.
Did you watch the Oscars last weekend? If so, maybe you're intrigued to catch up on the plays, books, and movies that served as inspiration for some of the nominated (and winning) movies. Plus we share some of our favorite book-to-screen Best Picture winners from the last quarter century.