But true Love is a durable fire In the mind ever burning; Never sick, never old, never dead, From itself never turning. ~Walter Ralegh I am naturally drawn to tiny books and this book was no exception. I saw it and instantly fell in love with the red library binding and gold embossing on the fabric cover. This is one of those books you want to carry around with you in your pocket to read on a sunny day while sitting on...
I love this little book. It's chock full of poetic gems, yet each one is so different. The differences in variety are surprising...there are different moods, cadences, emphases.The poems are arranged in broad categories and follow a rather natural progression from the joys of meeting to the pleasures and pains of being "in love," to an absence of one's beloved and past loves.Some poets are represented more extensively than...
This is probably the finest collection of love poems that I have ever seen. Peter Washington, the editor, picked some of the most beautiful poems that I have heard. I was happy to see that many of my favorites like "To His Mistress Going to Bed" by Donne,"Tonight I Can Write" by Neruda, and "She Tells Her Love While Half Asleep" by Graves made it into this book. This collection had all of those poems that just have to be any...
This book is a wonderful collection of love poems. I couldn't imagine anyone being displeased with it. It has been one of my most favorite collections of poems ever.
This is one of my favorite collections of poetry. Along with the companion volume on the physical side of love, "Erotic Poems," this covers a broad enough range of topics to resonate with nearly anyone's experience of love at any stage of love. The editor has apparently and courageously selected these pearls of love poetry not based solely on the reputation of the poet or how well known the piece, but on how well the words...