A spacecraft crash-lands in an isolated desert town and releases an insidious parasite that attacks the brains of all creatures making them disorientated, unnaturally strong and violent. Long-time local cop, Sergeant Joanne Sharp, yearning for city life, is determined to...
A spacecraft crash-lands in an isolated desert town and releases an insidious parasite that attacks the brains of all creatures making them disorientated, unnaturally strong and violent. Long-time local cop, Sergeant Joanne Sharp, yearning for city life, is determined to...
A spacecraft crash-lands in an isolated desert town and releases an insidious parasite that attacks the brains of all creatures making them disorientated, unnaturally strong and violent. Long-time local cop, Sergeant Joanne Sharp, yearning for city life, is determined to...
A spacecraft crash-lands in an isolated desert town and releases an insidious parasite that attacks the brains of all creatures making them disorientated, unnaturally strong and violent. Long-time local cop, Sergeant Joanne Sharp, yearning for city life, is determined to...