From a beloved master of crime fiction, The Dreadful Lemon Sky is one of many classic novels featuring Travis McGee, the hard-boiled detective who lives on a houseboat. Around four in the morning, Travis McGee is jarred awake by a breathless ghost from his past: an old flame...
"The professional's professional of suspense writers." THE NEW YORK TIMES Travis McGee has been offered easy money by a longtime lady friend. But when she gets killed, McGee's got a boatload of mystery. Navigating his boat into troubled waters, he heads for the seamier side of...
It's almost four in the morning when McGee is jarred awake by a breathless ghost from his past. Carolyn Milligan desperately needs Travis to keep a package full of cash safe and sound. What's in it for him? Ten grand and no questions asked. She'll be back in a month. But two...
It's almost four in the morning when McGee is jarred awake by a breathless ghost from his past. Carolyn Milligan desperately needs Travis to keep a package full of cash safe and sound. What's in it for him? Ten grand and no questions asked. She'll be back in a month. But two...
It's almost four in the morning when McGee is jarred awake by a breathless ghost from his past. Carolyn Milligan desperately needs Travis to keep a package full of cash safe and sound. What's in it for him? Ten grand and no questions asked. She'll be back in a month. But two...