WINNER OF THE NEWBERY MEDAL - An uplifting story of resilience set in medieval times about a boy who learns to overcome obstacles and ultimately save the castle. This historical fiction novel is a classic for all ages "An enthralling and inspiring tale of triumph."...
Set in the fourteenth century, the classic story of one boy's personal heroism when he loses the use of his legs.
WINNER OF THE NEWBERY MEDAL - An uplifting story of resilience set in medieval times about a boy who learns to overcome obstacles and ultimately save the castle. This historical fiction novel is a classic for all ages "An enthralling and inspiring tale of triumph."...
WINNER OF THE NEWBERY MEDAL - An uplifting story of resilience set in medieval times about a boy who learns to overcome obstacles and ultimately save the castle. This historical fiction novel is a classic for all ages "An enthralling and inspiring tale of triumph."...
Ever since he can remember, Robin, son of Sir John de Bureford, has been told what is expected of him as the son of a nobleman. He must learn the ways of knighthood. But Robin's destiny is changed in one stroke: He falls ill and loses the use of his legs. Fearing a plague, his...