This book hit home 100%! So thankful for Al anon!!!
Slim, concise but full of all the advice and wisdom I so badly needed. As with all Al Anon literature/messages, you don't nevessarily need to be married to an alcoholic, just someone with abisive/unpredictable/addictive tendencies. And most importantly, the principals can be applied to anyone who is codependent and looking to change that.
This is a very helpful book for those in a marriage where one partner is an alcoholic.
**** This book is excellent for marriages when one of the partners is an alcoholic; it is also good for codependent marriages in general. Much of the book would apply to marriages where a partner is abusive, even if not alcoholic. The advice and illustrations are hands-on and useful. The book is about a hundred pages and very dated; however, the information is still valuable and well worth the price. I have my copy highlighted...
This is one of my favorite books....I think it really helps keep the focus on me. I blamed the alcoholic for my problems for so many years...I find with this book it helps me to see and accept my part in the disease and I am finally able to work on it. I like some of the candid stories and I find that no matter where I am in recovery...relationships are hard, especially when I never knew what a healthy one was until now...