Suddenly there are creatures from the ancient past in Spooksville. Huge meat-eating lizards attacking people in their cars. Flying reptiles swooping down and lifting kids away. But where have these dinosaurs come from? Adam and his friends discover that a huge doorway has been created between present-day Spooksville and sixty million years ago. It is through this doorway that the dinosaurs are attacking. But who created this...
Hi, Well these book is about dinosaurs. It starts when they were walking when they saw something flying when they discovered that it was a dinosaur they run very fast but the dinosaur was more fast than them! So they have to hide but they didn't know were Adam take a branch and started to fight with the dinosaur bird! he get hurt! When they have a chance they started to run and they found a cave! They come inside the cave...
Adam and his friends found out that there was a doorway to the past that opened. Now there are powerful creatures in Spooksville. One rhinocerous even injuried Adam. Quick, They have to talk to Ann Templeton to get rid of these creatures.
This was my first book I read from Mr Pike. But it started to quickly and I did not know any one but Adam! Mr pike has writen some funny and very cool books including this one! I recomend it badly!