The Curlytops on Star Island or Camping Out with Grandpa is a children's book written by Howard R. Garis. It follows the adventures of the Curlytops, a group of siblings named Ted, Janet, and Trouble, as they go on a camping trip with their grandfather to Star Island. The children...
The Curlytops on Star Island or Camping Out with Grandpa is a children's book written by Howard R. Garis. The story follows the adventures of the Curlytops, a group of siblings named Ted, Janet, and Trouble, as they embark on a camping trip with their grandfather on Star Island...
Howard Roger Garis (April 25, 1873 - November 6, 1962) an American author, best known for a series of books, published under his own name, that featured the character of Uncle Wiggily Longears, an engaging elderly rabbit. Garis was possibly the most prolific children's author...