This book is broken up into four main part: "Approaching the Cross," "The Heart of the Cross," "The Achievement of the Cross," and "Living under the Cross." These four sections show why and how Christ's cross is central to the Christian faith. Stott begins the first section by showing prominence of the cross throughout Christian history. He shows that the early church used it as a sign and symbol, and the apostles made it...
"But may it never be that I should boast, except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ," - Galatians 6:14 NASBThe name John Stott is well recognized among Bible students today, and for good reason. He has long been recognized for his gifted teaching, penetrating insight and pastoral warmth. His writings take the profound teachings of Christianity; shine much needed light on them, and in the same fluid motion, they plug the...
With a writing style that appealed to this former skeptic Stott dispeled clouds of confusion surrounding concepts like "salvation" and "redemption". He explained the reality that was behind the Christian jargon and removed false intellectual barriers to understanding the need for the cruxified and risen Christ. One of the 2 or 3 most life-changing books I have ever read.
If you ever want to find out what is at the very heart of the Christian faith Stott argues that the death of Jesus is crucial. Although a serious read which convincingly refutes many of the wrong and inadequate views of the Cross, Stott leaves us with an understanding of the event that is coherrent, powerful and ultimately thrilling. As well as providing understanding, the book explores what it truly means to live 'under...