Everything in Morgan's life is changing. She now has an incredible boyfriend who loves her and her former best freind hates her guts. To top that off she finds out she's a blood witch only to discover that her parents are not her real parents. She's adopted! Morgan, thanks to Alice at Practical Magick finds out about her mother and father. She finds that she is the daughter of 2 witches, Maeve Riorden and Angus Bramson. She...
This book about Morgan a blood witch. She finds out that she is adopted adn everyone has known all along well everyone except her. She begins to feel angry towards her family. She is no longer talking to her best friend, guy troubles as usual. But she finally gets to experience love. She starts a search for her birth parents and find out some really creepy stuff.You have got to read this book I can't wait to read #3.
After Morgan was announced into the coven everything changed. SHe has a boyfriend, her best friend hates her, and she's seeing everything in a new life. But when she learns a life shattering secret from her past her view on everything is changed. She finds herself getting futhur and futhur into wicca against her parents wishes and she suddenly feels as if she belongs. But will her thirst for knowlege about her real birth mother...
Everything Morgan Rowlands has known and believed for the sixteen years of her life is a lie. The people who raised her are not her parents. She is related to them and to their daughter, the girl Morgan knows as a sister, only in love, not in blood. Morgan's true ancestry lies with a coven of Irish witches that were brutally massacred one dark night in 1982, leaving only two survivors - Maeve and Angus, the young couple that...