When you're a children's librarian that has to perform multiple storytimes every week, you acquire a kind of ear for picture books that read aloud well. For example, reading aloud "Horton Hatches the Egg" works well for a single child, but for a large group it's just too darn long. And unless you have a real rhythm going with "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom", don't try to perform it just off the top of your head. Then there are...
One of the things that early childhood educators say is important for young children is to be exposed to poems and other rhythmic literature. And it is, they tell us, helpful for kids to learn to recite. It is for these and other reasons that I really, really like this book. Not only is the artwork fun and `cleanly' charming, but the topic is interesting to children and the words are just repetitive enough to make it a...
About the best thing to be said about any children's book is that your children ask for it to be read over and over again.From the moment I brought "Trashy Town" home, my three year old son could not get enough of it. The repetitive, but clever text by Andrea Zimmerman and David Clemesha begs for the kids to interact with trash collector Mr. Gilly as he cheerfully makes his appointed rounds about the trashy town. And for parents,...
I can't say enough good things about this book. I got this book for my son when he was about fourteen months old (he's now 2 1/2) He has loved it from the begining. First because it was about garbage trucks and then because of its entertaining repetitiveness. Soon we would hear him shout "Stop! Mr. Gilly emptied all the cans from behind the doctors office". Now he can practically read this book to us by looking at the pictures...
Trashy Town is my three-year-old son's favorite book. Evan loves to read along as Mr. Gilly, the garbage man travels around town, stopping at all the cool places to empty the trash into his big trash truck. With it's simple, repetative verse, Evan quickly was able to identify many of the words in the text and before long was "reading" the story to me. We've read it so much, that Evan now has it memorized and can literally...