An excellent book for grasping the power of the net. Allows room for discussing cyberspace's ablility to work for "good" or "evil".A libertarian approach that guides readers to think indedendently of governments, corporations and other influencing entities.
The Internet is putting individuals in charge of changes in our culture and society, providing a radical shift in who is in control of information and resources and prompting ripples of change in the structure of society. Shapiro argues that individuals and companies who come to control the Internet environment will influence lives and the future in this penetrating survey.
"The Control Revolution" is a top-notch book about the effect of the Internet on people, business and the law.The author, Andrew Shapiro, is a lawyer with a talent for writing about legal issues in an easy-to-read style.Shapiro ... explains that, "the Internet, contrary to what some say, doesn't make it impossible for lawmakers and law enforcement officials to do their jobs."
What a relief to find a book that is not breathless, self-serving, half crazed and half baked. This is the book many people have been waiting for. I especially have been looking for something that addresses the digital democracy issue responsibly and provocatively. I've wondered how federally collected information about countless topics, when made freely and accessibly available over the Net, could redefine radically its...
Several years from now it will become clear that "The Control Revolution" itself played an important role in defining, questioning and, ultimately, influencing the role of the internet in everyday life. You must read this instant classic.