In this revised and expanded edition based on her #1 New York Times bestseller The Confident Woman, Joyce Meyer taps into concerns and issues that many women commonly experience -- lack of confidence, poor self-image, dysfunctional relationships -- and provides...
DIOS LA HA CREADO PARA QUE SEA UNA MUJER SEGURA DE S MISMA, VALIENTE Y LIBRE; libre para ser usted misma, libre de la necesidad de compararse con los dem s, y libre para entrar al destino de Dios para su vida. Basado en su xito de ventas del New York Times, MUJER SEGURA...
In this revised and expanded edition based on her #1 New York Times bestseller The Confident Woman, Joyce Meyer taps into concerns and issues that many women commonly experience -- lack of confidence, poor self-image, dysfunctional relationships -- and provides...