There comes a time when one must leave what they have worked on for so long. "Exiting Your Business, Protecting Your Wealth: A Strategic Guide for Owners and Their Advisors" is a guide to extracting oneself from one's business. An exit strategy for business is needed, in order to keep one's own prosperity as well as that of the businesses. With special chapters on realizing when one is a workaholic, moving onto a different...
I am Certified Exit Planning Advisor and a colleague of John's who also helps business owners grow and harvest their entrepreneurial wealth. I loved his book. It is the most comprehensive approach to the subject that I have read. Every business owner who hopes to one day sell his/her business needs to read this book- and to get started now to implement his advice. I don't recall John actually saying this, but I know he...
If you own a business, you need to read this book. Even if you aren't thinking of selling or exiting any time soon, this insightful book will help you think about your business as an investment, instead of as a job. You will know what the final "play" looks you can make the decisions NOW to get there. Far from being a stuffy legal treatise, it is a practical how-to manual that lays out the options and provides...
Edgar Allan Poe died mysteriously on October 7, 1849 in Baltimore, Maryland, when he was only forty years old. Even so, he is considered one the most influential writers of all time and credited with the invention of several genres, including detective and crime fiction. Read on to learn more about him.
Margaret Atwood is 81 years old today! The renowned Canadian author has been publishing poetry, novels, nonfiction, children’s books, and more since 1961, but her star just keeps on rising. Known largely for books like The Handmaid’s Tale, you may be surprised to learn that speculative fiction actually represents a small fraction of the versatile author’s work.
All you need to make you look smart (not that you’re not already)