... this is a very cumbersome and hefty book. So maybe taking it on the airplane is not a great idea unless you want the shoulder strap of your carry-on grinding into your shoulder while the ten pounds worth of stylishly-cut pages carve a dent in your thigh. But it's the life's work of a genius, so let's not begrudge the size. Properly, this book is great for reading in a comfortable chair with a really big mug of tea at...
This collection of wonderful short stories is THE book to take on vacation, or have at hand when you're stuck sick in bed, or sitting waiting for that delayed flight. Mavis Gallant tells readers they should read one of her stories, "[s]hut the book. Read something else. Stories can wait." And that's the best way to read a collection of short stories as good as this. Dip into one story -- then randomly let it fall open to another...