The Clue Of The Silver Spoons is a mystery novel written by Robert Barr. The story revolves around a wealthy family, the Dents, who are the owners of a large estate in England. The patriarch of the family, Sir Gilbert Dent, is found dead in his study, and the police are unable...
The Clue of the Silver Spoons is a mystery novel written by Robert Barr. The story revolves around a young man named Frank Spargo, who works as a journalist in London. One day, he receives a strange letter from a wealthy man named Mr. Jacob Herapath, inviting him to his house...
The Clue Of The Silver Spoons is a mystery novel written by Robert Barr. The story follows the adventures of detective Eugene Valmont, who is called upon to investigate a baffling case involving the theft of a valuable set of silver spoons from the home of a wealthy family. The...