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Animals Bears Children's Children's Books Holidays & Celebrations Jewish Literature & FictionI teach in a small, church-owned preschool where we "do" all the holidays, including Eid and Hanukkah. This book is great for introducing the holiday's various traditions, including dreidl and latkes. Plus it makes a terrific class play, because there are enough parts for everyone. The story is very funny, where an old Babushka who can't see well any longer (and probably can't smell well, either!)mistakes a bear for the rabbi,...
The Chanukkah Guest was a great story that is both fictional but informational. This story teaches you about some of the Chanukkah traditions and other things that happen around that time of the year. From the preperations of the Chanukkah meal, to the games that are played. This is a good story to help kids understand a little bit about what is going on in real life.In this story, old Bubba Brayna is gettin ready for a big...
In this classic tale of mistaken identies, old Bubba Brayna is busy in her kitchen making latkes for Chanukkah. Her little house is on the edge of the village and it is deep winter. Though she is very, very old and almost blind and deaf, Bubba Brayna still can make the very best latkes in the entire village!! Tonight is a doubly-special night as it is both the first nite of Chanukkah and the village Rabbi is coming over!!Well,...
Looking for a Channukah tale? This one surely will not fail. My kids love the Hannukah Guest. In my book it is the BEST!
This is a funny, cute Chanukah story for young kids, which their parents will also get a kick out of. (I did!)