Long known as the most consumer-oriented car buyer's guide, The Car Book 1999 has maintained the classic simplicity that for 18 years has led hundreds of thousands of car buyers to the best choice in new cars. While other car guides offer only manufacturers' specifications, The...
Contains the most current information on all 1989 model automobiles (domestics and imports) and the latest on pricing, insurance rates, safety records, fuel efficiency, and resale values.
Up-to-date, thorough, and highly accessible, the 1995 edition of The Car Book contains everything a car buyer needs to know about this year's 140 new car and minivan models. Each full-page entry provides a clear summary of the model, a photo, easy-to-use charts that contain an...
For ten years Gillis's The Car Book has been a top authoritative consumer resource for buying and living with a new car. He tells readers not only what to look for, but also what to look out for. Includes how to get the most for one's money, showroom strategies, the price/performance...
For a decade, The Car Book has proven itself to be America's #1 single-colume consumer resource for buying a new car. Gillis provides the latest information on pricing, insurance rates and safety records, fuel efficiency, resale value, consumer protection laws and customer satisfaction...