This I would say is part 2 in the Zanatos arc and its really well done. Almost like Phantom of the Opera except inside the Jedi Temple. Great rescue scene with Obi Won helping to save toddlers and Bant is more fleshed out as well as Master Tahl. Both of the side characters are cool and the inner turmoils of the characters are well written. The climactic lightaber battle, in the jedi-master, council-chamber and simultaneus...
I'm a mom of a 9 year old boy. We started witht the JA series last year when he brought the 1st book home from the library. My plan was to start reading it to him and then get "too busy" to finish so he'd have to finish it on his own. Little did I know that the tight writing, intriguing plots and great character development would hook me as well and so far, we've read all the books together. We just finished #7 this...
Hi all!This is an excellent book. This book is mainly about how someone has been stealing, sabatoging the Jedi Apprentice School and attempting to kill Yoda. While trying to find the culprit Obi-wan Kenobi who is no longer a Jedi but wants to come back to the Jedi Knights and be Qui-Gon Jinn's apprentice again. This book tells about what goes through Qui-Gon Jinn's mind as he tries to let go of the hurt he felt when Obi-wan...
OK, I've been hiding the Jedi Apprentice series underneath piles of work, reading (and, yes, rereading) them when I should be working on my dissertation, but #7, The Captive Temple, was so good that I'm finally coming out of the closet (so to speak). Anyone of any age with the remotest interest in the Star Wars universe must read these books. The richness with which Watson draws the characters (not only Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon,...
To quote Yoda - "Patience your ally is." Time and time again, Obi-Wan is rash, somewhat reckless, but Qui-Gon? I expected better from him. I refer to the ending, and oh my goodness, what an ending! (btw - you know the book is good (and well written) when you come to the same conclusion the characters make only two (literally!) sentences before they do!) Excellent Fight scenes, I could smell the ozone of the lightsabers!...