This book, written in a very accessible style, had even my cynical husband noting some of its "affirmations." It's a story, but the points of positive thinking and taking charge of your disease are all there, and each important catch phrase is printed on a separate page mid-chapter. He even asked me to type some of them up, because they were very meaningful and helpful. It's a book worth giving to every newly-diagnosed...
13 years ago, I wondered through the self-help section of the book store. I looked for a book I could share with my husband who was recently diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumor. While he was going through a series of painful spinal taps, I read him the book. It changed our lives. It's simple message does not preach or blame. It is a simple call to action that we have followed ever since we opened the book. For many years...
I found this book inspiring, thank God I am not ill, but every page of this bought excitement and hope for my friend who is battling cancer. I live in Australia and Greg Andersons books are not available here to my knowledge, maybe I should go into business and ship them over......................
During my recovery from breast cancer surgery my husband gave me this book. It was a great blessing. The book is easy to read, quick reading and not loaded down with medical "stuff". It is very uplifting,inspiring and wonderful. I am sorry that it is out of print, but it seems Mr. Anderson has written a sequel and others. Thank you Mr. Anderson. JBartram
I can't say enough good words about this book or its contents. It was given to me as a gift from a friend after I had already undergone treatments. I try to make sure I give it to friends either before or during treatments. I don't want them to waste a minute dwelling in a negative mindset. This book teaches wonderful lessons about how to train yourself to have a positive and incredibly uplifting outlook on your illness.I...