I read stories for my children in the evenings and books by William Steele really hold their attention. My children range in age from 5 to 14, boys & girls. His stories are early American tales from a pre-teen/teen perspective. They're full of adventure and emotion. I'd recommend books written by this author to any parent.
My son (11) and I have realy enjoyed O'Steel's book. My husband read alot of these books as a child and I can see why! Fast paced, action, adventure, wonderfully descrpitive....made me wish I was a kid again!
I also read this school, but grade school, and then read every other Wm. O. Steele book I could get my hands on. It was a great intro to the genre of historical fiction and good for girls and boys.
To everyone, I wanted to take a moment to tell you how wonderful this book is. I first read it in Junior High School, I fell in love with it. I mustve read it 3 or 4 times since. Its a wonderful story, like all Steele books it leaves the reader spellbound at the end. The description says ages 9-12 but you can be MUCH MUCH older to enjoy this book. It is really a book for anyone with a sense of adventure and an imagination...