The Boy Scouts at the Panama Canal is a classic adventure novel written by Lieutenant Howard Payson. The story follows a group of Boy Scouts as they embark on a journey to the Panama Canal, where they encounter a series of challenges and obstacles that test their courage and...
"The Boy Scouts at the Panama Canal" from John Henry Goldfrap. North American journalist and author of boys' books (1879-1917).
""The Boy Scouts at the Panama Canal"" is a thrilling adventure novel written by Lieutenant Howard Payson. The story follows a group of Boy Scouts on their journey to the Panama Canal, where they embark on a series of exciting and dangerous missions. Along the way, they encounter...
Reproduction of the original: The Boy Scouts at the Panama Canal by Howard Payson
This book has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped...
Farmer Hiram Applegate had just finished breakfast. For this reason, perhaps, he felt exceptionally good-humored. Even the news he had read in his morning paper (of the day before) to the effect that his pet abomination and aversion, The Boy Scouts, had held a successful and...