"The Border Watch" closes the series which began with "The Young Trailers," and which was continued successively in "The Forest Runners," "The Keepers of the Trail," "The Eyes of the Woods," "The Free Rangers," "The Riflemen of the Ohio," and "The Scouts of the Valley." All the...
The book, "" The Border Watch: A Story of the Great Chief's Last Stand "", has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and...
Joseph Alexander Altsheler (April 29, 1862 - June 5, 1919) was an American newspaper reporter, editor and author of popular juvenile historical fiction. He was a prolific writer, and produced fifty-one novels and at least fifty-three short stories. Thirty-two of his novels were...
Joseph Alexander Altsheler (April 29, 1862 - June 5, 1919) was an American newspaper reporter, editor and author of popular juvenile historical fiction. He was a prolific writer, and produced fifty novels and at least fifty-three short stories. Altsheler was born in Three Springs,...
"The Border Watch - A Story of the Great Chief's Last Stand" from Joseph Alexander Altsheler. Editor and author of popular juvenile historical fiction (1862-1919).
Reproduction of the original: The Border Watch by Joseph A. Altsheler
Reproduction of the original: The Border Watch by Joseph A. Altsheler