Set in the early 1900s, this novel tells the story of a young woman's journey of self-discovery as she travels from America to Europe and falls in love with an Italian aristocrat. Along the way, she confronts family secrets and societal expectations that threaten to derail...
Cyrus Townsend Brady (1861-1920) was a historian, journalist and adventure writer, remains best known for his book "Indian Fights and Fighters".
The Blue Ocean's Daughter is a novel written by Cyrus Townsend Brady and published in 1908. The story follows the life of a young woman named Marjorie Maynard, who is the daughter of a wealthy and influential man. Marjorie is a strong-willed and independent woman who yearns for...
The Blue Ocean's Daughter is a novel written by Cyrus Townsend Brady and published in 1908. The story follows the life of a young woman named Peggy, who is the daughter of a wealthy shipping magnate. Peggy is determined to follow in her father's footsteps and become a successful...
Set in the early 1900s, this novel tells the story of a young woman's journey of self-discovery as she travels from America to Europe and falls in love with an Italian aristocrat. Along the way, she confronts family secrets and societal expectations that threaten to derail...