In the quiet town of Wolfordville, Tennessee, a sinister presence lurks beneath the surface. Matthew Goodin, a seemingly ordinary butcher, harbors a dark obsession that drives him to commit horrifying acts of violence. As the town is plagued by a series of brutal murders, the local authorities struggle to uncover the truth, unaware that their prime suspect is hiding in plain sight.
From the chilling childhood experiences that ignited his insatiable craving for blood to his relentless spree of terror, Matthew's journey is a harrowing exploration of a mind consumed by darkness. When he evades capture and disappears into the sprawling chaos of New York City, his bloodlust continues to claim victims amidst the city's anonymous throngs.
As the years pass, the mystery of the Wolfordville murders remains unsolved, haunting the town and its retired police chief. But the terror is far from over. In the labyrinth of New York's streets, Matthew's legacy of horror lingers, leaving a chilling question: could he still be out there, lurking in the shadows, with his thirst for blood unquenched?
Prepare for a spine-tingling descent into darkness, where the past never truly fades, and the hunt for a monster takes a haunting turn in "The Blood of Wolfordville."