Midlife crisis is not a crisisit is a passage into joy. This was the essential truth discovered by the four women of a certain age, founding members of the Blackberry Tea Club, which began as latenight conversations while sipping blackberry tea with a little kick added. Those conversations about children, men, jobs, weight, clothes, food, travel, gossip, politics, medicine, healing, spirituality, adventure, and books grew slowly, beautifully into The Blackberry Tea Club and the discovery of the Glory Years.
The Blackberry Tea Club weaves together essays, stories, and poetry, celebrating midlife in all its silliness, sorrow, and glory. Bottom line: middle age is much more than menopause. These are the Glory Years for women, years that bring about the expansion and reorganizing of the mind, heart, and spirit, and the birthing of a larger self of immense compassion, intellect, will, spirit, love, and capability.
Divided into five parts, each one explores different themes:
Seeing midlife crisis as an adamant search for joyDiscovering opportunities for women to appreciate their bodiesExploring multiple facets of loveLetting go of the bad stuff to relish what light there is
The Blackberry Tea Club offers stories of adventure, food, spirit, and the community of women in their Glory Years.