THE BLACK HAND is the true story of Rene Enriquez, aka "Boxer," and his rise in a secret criminal organization, a new Mafia, that already has a grip on all organized crime in California and soon all of the United States. This Mafia is using a base army of an estimated 60,000...
An intense and shocking inside look at the inner workings of La Eme, the Mexican Mafia (La Familia Mexicana), The Black Hand is the story of loyal soldier Rene "Boxer" Enriquez, his life of crime, and his ultimate redemption. Award-winning investigative journalist and author...
An intense and shocking inside look at the inner workings of La Eme, the Mexican Mafia (La Familia Mexicana), The Black Hand is the story of loyal soldier Rene "Boxer" Enriquez, his life of crime, and his ultimate redemption. Award-winning investigative journalist and author...