Hercule Poirot faces a formidable challenge against a secretive and dangerous criminal organization known as The Big Four. Composed of four individuals with distinct backgrounds and sinister skills, this group aims to establish global dominance. With the help of his loyal friend...
Plongez-vous dans l'univers myst rieux et captivant du roman "Les Quatre" d'Agatha Christie, o l'intrigue et le suspense se m lent habilement pour vous tenir en haleine jusqu' la derni re page. L'histoire d bute par une sc ne inqui tante: quatre individus fortun...
Agatha Christie's The Big Four enjoyed commercial success at the time of its publication in 1927, despite lukewarm critical reviews. Deviating from her earlier writing style, Christie presents several smaller mysteries within a larger one. Renowned private detective Hercule...
In this official edition featuring exclusive content from the Queen of Mystery, Hercule Poirot gets caught up in an international scheme. "It is always a delight to meet Hercule Poirot again. He is one of the few detectives with real charm." --Dorothy L. Sayers Framed in the...
In the official authorized edition from the Queen of Mystery, famed private eye Hercule Poirot tackles international intrigue and espionage. Framed in the doorway of Hercule Poirot's bedroom stands an uninvited guest, coated from head to foot in dust...
In this official authorized edition from the Queen of Mystery, famed private eye Hercule Poirot tackles international intrigue and espionage. Framed in the doorway of Hercule Poirot's bedroom stands an uninvited guest, coated from head to foot in dust...
Beloved detective Hercule Poirot takes on an international gang of super-criminals and introduces the world to his identical twin, Achille Poirot. From Agatha Christie, who "created the modern murder mystery" (The New Yorker). When a series of apparently...
In this official edition featuring exclusive content from the Queen of Mystery, Hercule Poirot gets caught up in an international scheme. Now with a beautiful new series look. Framed in the doorway of Hercule Poirot's bedroom stands an uninvited guest,...
An emaciated stranger approaches Hercule Poirot, shouts a warning about "the big four" and drops dead. Who knew Poirot's inquiry into the man's odd behavior would lead to an underground laboratory, an insane asylum, and rumors of a secret weapon?
Framed in the doorway of Poirot's bedroom stood an uninvited guest, coated from head to foot in dust. The man's gaunt face stared for a moment, then he swayed and fell. Who was he? Was he suffering from shock or just exhaustion? Above all, what was the significance of the figure...
First published in 1927, "The Big Four" is the fifth mystery by Agatha Christie to feature her most famous character, the brilliant detective Hercule Poirot. Widely regarded as one of Christie's most ambitious and complicated mysteries, the story takes place over a year as...