This is an amazing book. It is beautifully designed, so that each page pulls you right in. The insert boxes make it easy to learn new things quickly, and the text itself is amazingly comprehensive and easy to read. The author has done extensive research in a field that, as she says, "straddles religion and mysticism, science and biology, consciousness and the supernatural." It is the kind of book you can dip into to gain...
Lately I have noticed that not much new material was out there for a while on Near Death Experiences, till this book. PMH Atwater has done another fine job of bringing information to the table on NDE. This book is very structured and is not just a list of inspirational stories like many other books. It shows many, many different types of NDEs and what may build to cause them and also what may happen afterwards such as aftereffects...
I was completely chilled, but in such an amazing way by the time I finished reading this book. I have never read a more persuasive and convincing arguement for the theory that life truly does not end once our time on this earth wraps up. I've always been a big believer in God as the end all and be all of my existence. I still have that faith, but this book also broadened my mind to "spirituality" and less towards organized...