I purchased both volumes for my library. The cover art could be better, but that's not the issue. The book size and print is smaller than a standard Hardcover edition for any of the other books, especially the Mallorean series. The story is 5 star, but I wish they published it using the larger "standard" book size.
The romance we see in the other books look like puppy love to these. The fighting we see in the others look like little skrimishes. These are the best book in the series. And in my opinion the best books in the world. It is brimming with amazing drama. There aren't words to describe it is so good. READ THESE BOOKS!!!!
The story (beginning in Vol 1) is your classic good vs. evil. For those who have read the Belgaraid Vol 1. this is a must have. For those that are reading the review, but have not read Vol 1. (or the three books that it comprises) then stop, find it, and buy them both!Why? Learn how a young immature boy, and a young spoiled girl grow up "the hard way" with conflicts, battles, and hard lessons learned. They grow up fast,...
I read The Belgariad over 10 years ago and has just finished reading the series the second time. I find myself enjoying it even more. The story maybe too familiar, good versus evil with a happy ending but I have a weakness for this kind of story. The strength of the series is the development of the wonderful characters, the smooth plot and of course the dry humour. The Belgariad is simply a timeless fantasy to be treasured...
This series started it all for me. It was the first fantasy series I ever read, and I have to say, it's as good a read now, some 15 years later, as it was the first time I picked it up. Hard to believe it's been 20 years in print!! I can't recommend this series (as well as the Malloreon, to follow) enough. Truly, IMHO it ranks second ONLY to the original Dragonlance Chronicles.