"A cozy read. Thoroughly engrossing is a story that moves smoothly between eras as the protagonist and others investigate a mystery that draws them to pre-1885 Flint Hills, before Sycamore Falls existed. The juxtaposition of history, art, and mystery makes for compelling reading...
"A cozy read. Thoroughly engrossing is a story that moves smoothly between eras as the protagonist and others investigate a mystery that draws them to pre-1885 Flint Hills, before Sycamore Falls existed. The juxtaposition of history, art, and mystery makes for compelling reading...
LARGE PRINT EDITION "A cozy read. Thoroughly engrossing is a story that moves smoothly between eras as the protagonist and others investigate a mystery that draws them to pre-1885 Flint Hills, before Sycamore Falls existed. The juxtaposition of history, art, and mystery...