If you are looking for a book on creation, here it is. Read it to your kids. Great explanation of creation with Bible references and history facts. Will explain why Evolution is complete theory and its flaws. Great book!
In this book, designed to explain creationism in simple terms, Duane Gish, with his strong knowledge and clear thinking, starts with the Bible and goes on to show that true science favours creation and not evolution. As he discusses the different topics of the creation /evolution debate, and as he points the different design features of the living creatures and of the universe, he is able to show how darwinist geologists,...
The book is about the biblical view of creation, get a clue! If you want to read about evolution, get a book on evolution! This is a excellent resource for homeschoolers and others who want to teach the creationists view of creation to their children. If you don't believe in the billions and billions of years thing, then this book gives a wonderful review of God's 7 day plan. The book is excellent even if you disagree with...
Scientists like to be accepted as clear-thinking, objective scholars who observe and measure natural processes as they actually occur, documenting and confirming experimentally the physical phenomena of the real world. Their scientific method involves careful testing and replication of experimental data, without regard to personal beliefs. Such ideals are not always attained, unfortunately. Scientists are fallible human beings,...
This book is well worth reading. There is a great deal of thought provoking information and well structured logical arguments. As you read the reviews, please take note that most of the "one star" reviews resort to gross generalization and name-calling. If you are interested in this subject, get this book and keep an open mind. Don't let the intolerance of this books detractors sway you. You must think for...